Your dog sweden
Are you interested in booking us for one of our courses or seminars?
Dog show courses
Dog show training for both beginners and more experienced handlers!
We have a large selection of dog show courses. Whether you are a beginner or have trained for Gerard or Ia O’Shea in the past, there is a course that suits you. In addition to show courses, we also offer workshops in anatomy and a seminar in Dog Management.
How do I book a course?
Dog show courses

Drop-in dog show training
We have drop-in show training, perfect for you who have a puppy or young dog but also for experienced dogs and handlers who want to develop more character and charisma or other show-specific elements.

Introduction of handling
A basic course in dog show training, normally held over a weekend. This course is aimed at you who have a larger breed, we have a separate course for table dogs. Your knowledge is built from where you are today, and works towards the goal of a dog and handler, who with attitude and confidence takes the ring.
Time: Weekend course (2 days) or weekly course (4 occasions)
Place: See schedule
Price: 2,250 SEK

Puppy/young dog course
A course for you who have a puppy or young dog (4-12 months) when the course begins. We will on 6 occasions create an introduction for you and your dog where the show ring becomes something positive that the dog loves to be in.
Time: Weekly course (6 occasions, only in Sweden)
Place: See schedule
Price: 2,250 SEK

Table dog course
At today’s shows, your dog is expected to show up on the table, which is not so natural for most dogs. Through years of experience, we have developed many different techniques to help you shape your dog into a star on the table.
Time: Weekend course (2 days) or weekly course (4 occasions)
Place: See schedule
Price: 2,250 SEK

Advanced competition course
If you have trained with your dog for us before, this course will give you the fine-tuning tools you need to succeed! This course is aimed at those of you who have come a long way and now want to learn the small details.
Time: Weekend course (2 days) or weekly course (4 occasions)
Place: See schedule
Price: 2,250 SEK